

I am a recent retiree from the tech world in the San Francisco Bay Area. My wife and I took a deep look at our finances, made a number of calculations and decided to walk away from the working world and start the next chapter of FIRE (Financial Independence / Retire Early). With a little financial discipline and a lot of luck, we feel really fortunate to have this opportunity. We are starting this blog to keep notes of our adventures and share with anyone that might find this fun and interesting. Maybe our daughter (born 2016) will appreciate our history someday!

Our first big change is to live in Japan for about a year. We are embarking on this trip in June 2022, during the tail end of Covid. We expect many challenges, but are extremely excited to explore food, culture and the unexpected.

I will touch on various topics here, including tech, outdoorsy happenings, food and travel. Thanks, for stopping by and leave a comment on my Twitter.


Follow @ke1go_com
