New England Lobster Market (Burlingame)


With just about 10 days left before our big move, we wanted to hit up some local restaurants for stuff we won’t find in Japan. One of those on the list are lobster rolls! There are a couple options nearby, but we often go to the New England Lobster Market in Burlingame. Early in the pandemic, we would get take out and sit at the park across the street and watch airplanes take off from SFO. Amazing that the dream of travel someday, is approaching really fast!

Lobster Everything

There are many yummy things on the menu, but we always get at least one lobster roll. The “Dressed” is your classic roll, and the “Seasonal” never disappoints too. The lobster chowder is a hit with our daughter too, and she’s had the grilled cheese a few times as well.

Lobster Roll

I also tried the lobster nachos this time, which was a first. I was a bit disappointed since the chips were potato chips and the lobster was buried in the melted cheese and a bunch of sauce… the protein could have been anything really at this point. While I would prefer tortilla chips, the potato chips are at least freshly made. They come with most dishes, so no need to go for the nachos.

Inflation tends to challenge our notion of value at Bay Area restaurants now. The rolls were $26 recently, but we payed $33 this time. Maybe we’ll have major sticker shock when we return from Japan… not to really get into market theory, but the Japanese economy has experienced practically no inflation with QE, low interest rates and gov deficit spending for years. Take that Jerome Powell!